A Northern Right Whale

#Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Right whale)
#E. glacialis is externally identical to E. australis, but you can wish to show both species in a map and in this case you'll need a symbol different for each one, so this inverted version is provided. Both are interchangeable.
#Pablo Valdés - May 2008
#comment the lines 78-83 and 97 AND uncomment the lines 85-90 and 99 if you want w/b symbols
0      0      M -G80
0      14      D
-1      14      D
-4      14.6    D
-6      15.2    D
-7      15.6    D
-9      16.8    D
-10     17.6    D
-11     18      D
-13     19.2    D
-14     19.8    D
-14.4   20     D
-16     19.4    D
-16     22.8   D
-13.6   21.8   D
-7    21.5     D
-6      21.8   D
-2      22     D
2     22     D
5.6   21.6   D
6     21.2   D
7     21.6   D
9.2   21.8   D
10.5  21.4   D
11    21.8   D
12    21.4   D
12.8  21     D
12.8  20.4   D
12.6  20.2   D
12   20.6	D
10.6  21	D
8.4    20.2	D
8      19.6	D
7.6    17.6	D
7      16.4	D
6.5    16	D
5.3	16.2	D
6.5    16	D
7      16.4	D
7.6    17.6	D
8      19.6	D
8.4    20.2	D
10.6  21	D
12    20.6	D
13    20     D
12    18.2    D
11    17      D
9.6   16      D
8     15      D
6     14.2    D
4.4	14	D
3	13	D
2	12.4	D
1     12      D
0.6    12.2   D
1.1   13      D
1     14      D
1.3   15      D
2     15.4    D
3.6   15.4    D
4     15      D
3.6   15.4    D
2     15.4    D
1.3   15      D
1     14      D
0      14      D
0      0      0.6	c	-Gblack
6.5	17      0.5 c	-W0.1pt/white -Gblack

8.2    16.7    0.3 c -G244/199/199 -W0.1pt/black
9.4    17.4    0.4 c -G244/199/199 -W0.1pt/black
10.3   18.2    0.5 c -G244/199/199 -W0.1pt/black
11.2	19.2    0.6 c -G244/199/199 -W0.1pt/black
12.1	19.7    1.0 c -G244/199/199 -W0.1pt/black
6.0    17.8    M     -G244/199/199 -W0.1pt/black
#comment the former lines and uncomment the next six lines if you want white instead rose
#8.2    16.7    0.3 c -Gwhite -W0.1pt/black
#9.4    17.4    0.4 c -Gwhite -W0.1pt/black
#10.3   18.2    0.5 c -Gwhite -W0.1pt/black
#11.2	19.2    0.6 c -Gwhite -W0.1pt/black
#12.1	19.7    1.0 c -Gwhite -W0.1pt/black
#6.0    17.8    M     -Gwhite -W0.1pt/black
5.6    17.6    D
5.6    17.2    D
5.8    17      D
6      17.4    D
6.6    17.6    D
6      17.8    D
10.5  21.4   M -G244/199/199 -W0.1pt/black
#comment the line above and uncomment also the next line if you want white instead rose
#10.5  21.4   M -Gwhite -W0.1pt/black
11    21.8   D
12    21.4   D
12.8  21     D
12.8  20.4   D
11.8  21.2   D
10.5  21.4   D
-5.2	15      M -Gwhite -W0.2pt/200
-8	16.2    D
-8.6	17      D
-7.3	17      D
-7.8	17.6    D
-6	16.7    D
-6.8	17.4    D
-5	16.6    D
-5.8	17.6    D
-3.8	16      D
-5.2	16.1    D
-4.6	15.4    D
-6	15.8    D
-5.2	15      D
-14.4   20     M -G50
-16     19.4   D
-16.7   19     D
-18.6   18.1   D
-20     17.8   D
-20.4   17.8   D
-20     18     D
-19.2   18.6   D
-18     20     D
-17.2   21.4   D
-16     21.4   D
-14.3   21.1   D
-13.6   20.6   D
-13.6   20.4   D
-14.4   20     D
-15     21.8   M -G50
-13.6   21.8   D
-14.8   22.6   D
-16     22.8   D
-17.2   23     D
-18     23.1   D
-18.7   23.1   D
-18.7   22.8   D
-18     22.7   D
-17.3   22.2   D
-17.3   21.6   D
-16     21.5   D
-15     21.8   D
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